Where do school-aged kids in the City of Flint attend school?
Our report examines student mobility within the Flint Community Schools. As enrollment declined in Flint Community Schools, an increase in enrollment at public school academies (Charter Schools) has occurred in grades K-8. The majority of high school aged students that enroll outside of Flint Community Schools are attending nearby public school districts.
Neighborhood Profiles
Want a quick comparison of what has happened to the population, income, housing, and economy across city wards and neighborhoods? Our 2017 report will feature data points on all of these topics by city ward. Interested neighborhood groups can work with us to create a unique profile for their chosen area.
Interested in working with us on a project?
Please contact Troy Rosencrants to begin.
Additional Resources
Open Data Flint provides a central location for housing Flint-based data gathered from academic institutions, local organizations, and federal agencies to encourage a healthier and informed community.