MapFlint is a community-wide online mapping project, accessible and open to the public, which features a broad variety of data from numerous public sources. MapFlint users are able to view, customize and print maps from their work or home computer.
Education Layers
- Cities and Townships
- MTA Bus Routes
- Literacy Network Providers
- Genesee County Schools
- Genesee County School Districts
- 2017 ACS Percentage of Persons over 25 with a college degree
Economic Layers
- Cities and Townships
- 2017 ACS Population Density
- 2017 ACS Umemployment Rate for Persons over 16 years old
- 2017 ACS Percentage of Persons over 25 with a college degree
- 2017 ACS Median Household Income
Demographics Layers
- Cities and Townships
- 2017 ACS Population Density
- 2017 ACS Population Change 2010-2017
- 2017 ACS Hispanic Population
- 2017 ACS White Population
- 2017 ACS Black Population
- 2017 ACS Female Population
- 2017 ACS Housing Units
Health Resources
- MTA Bus Routes
- Pharmacies
- Dental Resources
- Blood Testing Resources
- Behavioral Health
- Medicaid Vision Providers
- Food Assistance
- Medical Services
- 2017 ACS Youth Population
Environmental Layers
- City of Flint city limits
- MTA Bus Routes
- City of Flint Parks
- Genesee County Schools
- Flint River Watershed
- Flint River Subwatersheds
- Flint River Watershed Rivers, Streams, and Lakes
- Flint River Watershed National Land Cover Dataset 2011/2016